Monday, July 20, 2009

Washington Zoo

Friday we went to the Washington Zoo. The girls had a great time. Malloy wanted to get in the exhibits with all the animals...mostly the really dangerous ones like the tigers, lions, gorillas, panda bears. When we got to the tortoise exhibit she said " I love all dem" while motioning her hand/arm in a circle then wanted to "get in der". When it came to the elephant, Malloy screamed "daddy look, its an elephant!". She really didn't like the invertebrates and didn't even want to be close to the glass. They had a new addition to the Gorilla family and It was just the cutest thing I have ever seen! It was the size of a human infant and just clung and crawled all over mom. The girls were excited to see the orangutans make their way up a tower and make their way across the wires to the other building. Monroes favorite animal was the elephant shrews (They looked like mini ant eaters). Monroe has been asking to go the zoo for quit some time now so you can just imagine how excited she was when she found out where we were going for the day! I love to suprise the kids:)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Daddy swept them off their little feet!

Today was a fun day for the kids. I took them to chucke cheese for lunch--total suprise for them (and me)! They were so excited and Malloy had a huge smile on her face just about the whole time. Chucke came out and Monroe was so excited to meet him and even gave him a high five. Malloy wanted to go see him (I had to hold her) but when he came to give her a high five she started to panic and cry. Malaki was really kind to Monore--She didnt have many tickets so she got 1 prize and she was sad (Malloy had 4x as many tickets) so Malaki suprised her by getting her some things that she had wanted with his own tickets. How exciting to see God working in him!

When daddy got home today he had brought flowers home for each of us girls. They/we felt so special! I wish you all could have seen the girls beaming. Malloy had just woke up from her nap and was miserable. --so miserable that she wasnt even excited to see that daddy was home (It is rutine for her to run for him and scream that daddys home). She just sat, cuddled in my lap, and was short and snappy. When he gave her the flowers she got a huge smile on her face. Monroe gets so excited (doesnt take much)--she said Daddy loves her. I got the yellow flowers, Monroe got the light pink and Malloy got the dark pink. THANKS DADDY....WE LOVE YOU!

Monday, July 13, 2009


We went to the mountains (keating) this past weekend with my brother-in-law and my nieces and nephew. Our family got their about dinner time Friday and made mountain pies over the camp fire. The rest of the gang didnt show up until midnight. The phone was driving me nuts...kept ringing (I eventually unplugged it). The people on the other end could hear us but our end of the line was totally dead. We had no cell phone reception so I guess its good we didnt have an emergency! Saturday the dog went nuts running around the yard and Josh realized Rueger had gotten into a bees nest and they were all over the poor guy. He took him down to the river so he could drown them off. Probably about a half hour later I saw that Malloys little face was a bit swallon around her neck/jaw area. I think she was stung too, but she took it well - We never heard a peep out of her. Her little face looked so fat from the side. We went swimming in the river Saturday and Sunday. It was so beautiful--crystal clear and just the right temp.! We left Sunday around dinner and on the way home we saw this huge black mass along the side of the hiway. it was a giant black bear. The first one I have ever seen in the bad it was dead. Sorry for the lack of fun pictures--My battery went dead right after i started using it and I didnt bring the charger:(